How to address disinformation ahead of 2024 EU elections?

We all know that fake news disinformation, as well as the spread of conspiracy theories, are plagues in our society, dangerous tools that - especially in the malicious hands of individuals, organisations or States - can strike at the heart of our Western democracies.
In this context and in view of the upcoming 2024 EU elections, the First Vice-President of the European Parliament, MEP Othmar Karas, hosted on Tuesday, 13 February 2024, an Article 17 TFEU Dialogue Seminar on the fight against disinformation and on the promotion of citizens' participation in social and political life.
The event highlighted the positive contribution offered by Churches, religious communities, philosophical and non-confessional organisations. I suggest to particularly pay attention to the interventions by: MEP Karas, Albert Guigui (Chief Rabbi of Belgium) and Prof. Steven Van Hecke (Catholic University of Leuven).
The full video recording of the event is available here.
(Photo: Shutterstock)